Announcement #2

There have been some concern lately about the timelock and distribution rate of the pools. We are glad to reflect the opinion of our community.
To make the CREED pool more active and provide liquidity providers with more incentives, the yield rate of pools will be changed after 12:00 am (UTC+0).
After the distribution ratio changes, CREED-ETH pool would have stronger yield rate then ETH-USDT and ETH-USDC pools as follows:
- CREED-ETH: 7, ETH-USDT: 1.5, ETH-USDC: 1.5
Right now the timelock update is our #1 priority. The timelock contract will be updated as soon as testing is completed — possibly tomorrow (we will notify via announcement on our community pages).
Furthermore, as soon as timelock is applied to our contract, the governance page will be our next update. The Creed community will be able to discuss, make proposals, and vote for adding pools.
Thank you.